Sunday 16 September 2012

Working memory...what is it, and how does it effect maths anxiety (or vice versa)? 

As alluded to in my last post, working memory is and integral component in math performance or ability. Ashcraft & Krause (2007) reiterate this point to suggests mathematical cognition is reliant upon working memory, and further, they refer to research to state that there is a positive relationship upon the demands of working memory when solving more complex arithmetical problems (p. 243). But, just what is working memory?

For the more mature mathematician, working memory is another name for short-term memory. Sweller et al. (1998) describes it as "the conscious part of our information processing system; it is where the deliberate thinking takes place" (Eggen & Kauchak, 2004, p. 240). Sweller points out that we "are probably only able to deal with two or three items of information simultaneously when require to process information rather than merely hold information" which has obvious implications for problem solving. Further, Ashcraft & Krause (2007 citing a wide body of literature) suggest this heightened draw upon working memory has been exacerbated by an increasing tendency to solve larger operand problems using non-retrieval processes such as counting, reconstruction, or other strategies. Further, it has been proven that non-retrieval processing is invariably slower and more error prone that memory based retrieval (p. 244).

This seems particularly pertinent. With 'number sense' coming to the fore, I believe there was  a conscious diminishing of 'rote' learning-teaching in the classroom. Consequently, a number of students (my son included) never developed mastery of their basic facts even at a limited level. Hence, when trying to solve problems they don't have instant recall to call upon and have to work twice hard to process and solve problems. Interestingly, on placement this year at intermediate level, they had noticed similar widespread issues and were initiating a real push on basic facts (and algorithms). 

My previous discussion suggested that the affective nature of maths anxiety 'wastes' working memory as students attend to their anxiety, a view supported by Ashcraft & Krause. Therefore, they suggest, it makes sense that as the difficulty of the task increases the available working memory decreases. Moreover, I believe that increased difficulty would heighten anxiety, decreasing even further (an exponential relationship) available working memory for processing tasks.

So, it would appear that working memory is a pervasive presence or requirement for mathematical processing and that it can be severely conflicted by maths anxiety. Thus it seems logical, that as a teacher I will need to be able to identify maths anxiety in my students and perhaps recognise any factors that may significantly increase the risk of a students 'suffering' from maths anxiety. This is my next step...


Ashcraft, M., & Krause, J. (2007). Working memory, math performance, and math anxiety. Psychometric Bulletin & review (pre-2011); Apr 2007; 14, 2. Retrieved from:  

Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. (2004). Educational psychology: Windows on classrooms. New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education

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